What is the Alliance for Care
It´s a work system that seeks to call attention to the sector of caregiving to which we belong, many times without even knowing. Our goal is to provide caregivers and organisations the guide and accompaniment that they need to face the labor of care for physical and mental limitations, consequence of a diagnosis, accident or elder age, in a better way.
Virtual training care
Current information about care
Current info about care
Advice to companies to identify caregiver employees
¿Who is Diego Anzola Chiappe?
Corporative and Caregiving Coach. General Manager at Anzola y Samper, a firm that specializes in organizational transformation. Director of the Formation System for caregiving. Caregivers Coach for families of persons with physical and mental limitations by diagnosis, accident or elderly age. Author of 4 published books. He´s a referent on social media regarding the topic of care.
+(57) 601 588 6688 ext. 117 / +(57) 318 311 7393
Avenida Calle 116 No. 18 - 77 - Bogotá